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TI LaunchPad

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Library: URTouch

This library is primarily an add-on to my UTFT library for TFT display modules.

3.2" TFT LCD Screen Module: ITDB02-3.2 by ITead studio2.4" TFT LCD Screen Module: ITDB02-2.4 by ITead studio

As stated earlier, this library is primarily an add-on to UTFT, but the library in it self does not require UTFT. The supplied examples DO however require the UTFT library.

The library works great with the ITDB02 Arduino MEGA Shield v2.0 from ITead Studio and the TFT01 Arduino Mega Shield from ElecFreaks.


(Filesize is 422.92 KiB. Downloaded 109204 times)

Some demos showcasing most of the functions are included in the download.
This is a multi-platform library that will work with several different development board types.

Latest changes:
v2.0019 Jun 2016changed the name of the library to URTouch due to trademark issues
v2.0112 Jul 2016added support for the new 3.2" (Rev2 ILI9341-based) display module from Coldtears
v2.0206 Aug 2018added support for the V2 displays and shields from ITead
  removed all support for display modules from ElecFreaks
For a full list of changes please see the file version.txt included in the download.

Nice to know:

A program to calibrate the touch screen is included in the download. If your touch screen is inaccurate you simply install and run URTouch_Calibration. Follow the on-screen instruction to calibrate your touch screen.

The supplied calibration parameters are fairly accurate on my 3.2" S module. If you are using any other module you will have to run the calibration. For the best possible results you should run the calibration in any case.

More information about calibration can be found in the included manual. Make sure you read the manual before running the calibration sketch.

This is the same library as the previous UTouch library but the name had to be changed due to trademark issues.


WorkingArduino Duemilanove w/ATmega328
WorkingArduino Uno
WorkingArduino Leonardo
WorkingArduino Mega
WorkingArduino Mega2560
WorkingArduino Due
Not tested, UnsupportedBobuino
WorkingTeensy 3.1
Working = Working   Not working: Not working
Not tested, Unsupported = Not tested, Unsupported


The manual is included in the download


By downloading the library you accept the following license:
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Logo
Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
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